Greenstone Lobo


Complete Horoscope Analysis

There are 12 planets, 2 stars and 2 nodes in a birth chart that contain the complete story of your life. Greenstone will help unravel the mystery of your life while deciphering the meaning of each placement of the planets and celestial bodies.

There are four parts in the analysis:

Part 1) Your psychological make-up (about 5 mins): This is somewhat like a SWOT analysis of your personality. Greenstone will unveil your true personality, sifted from all the facades one puts up for the various roles one usually plays in life. You will get a clear understanding of your inherent strengths and weaknesses. Your inner core, attitude and how you look at and manage things in life is explained by this.

Part 2) Your horoscope (about 15 mins): Every horoscope is like a kaleidoscope and throws up a pattern that is uniquely YOU! The major planetary positions explain the major theme(s) of your life and your life’s purpose. Greenstone will also deep-dive into the various facets of your life, including your area of work, your financial status, the magnitude of your success, your relationships, health and even the possibilities of accomplishing your self-actualization needs. All of this is done without you giving any information about yourself, except the correct birth data.

Part 3) Time lines (about 7 mins): A year by year analysis of the various significant events that have occurred in the past, the current status of your life, and how and when other important events will unfold in the future. By the end of the comprehensive analysis, you will be amazed at how our lives play out their destiny and how all that has happened in your life so far is not a random accident. And then you can be confident that the future events will not happen by chance either.

Part 4) Q-A session (the rest of the time): In this section, Greenstone will take up all your questions that were unanswered so far. There is no limit to the number of questions you can ask.

Complete horoscope analysis can be done through any of the following Seven options:

Complete Horoscope Analysis - (Telephonic Conversation)

Cost: Rs. 5900 / $99 / 50 minutes
Age limit: 7 yrs to 70 yrs, new clients

Complete Horoscope Analysis - Extended Conversation (Telephonic)

Cost: Rs. 8900 / $180 / 80 minutes
7 yrs to 70 yrs, new clients

If you are one of those who like detailed discussions on anything, then this option is for you. (maybe you have planets in Aries, Gemini, Virgo or Libra ?) Or, if you have most questions to ask, or you want to be understood in deeper depth, then choose this option.

Complete Horoscope Analysis - (Video Conversation)

Cost: Rs. 7400 / $130 / 50 minutes
Age limit: 7 yrs to 70 yrs, new clients

Complete Horoscope Analysis - Urgent (Telephonic/Video Conversation)

Cost: Rs. 11900 / $199 / 50 minutes
Age limit: 7 yrs to 70 yrs, new clients

For people in dire need, who cannot wait for a month or so and who would prefer to jump the queue and get their answers in a day or two this special service is available. Whether it is the answer to one question or a comprehensive analysis of the horoscope, the amount payable is the same.

Kindly note that this option is subject to Greenstone’s availability.

Complete Horoscope Analysis - One-On-One Personal Consultation with Greenstone

Cost: Rs. 11900 / 60 minutes

There are a few people who find satisfaction only when they meet and talk to an astrologer in person. This option is exclusively for them.

Greenstone has successfully counselled thousands of people over the phone. To be quite honest, there is no real need for a personal meeting. A phone call is just as good and serves the purpose well enough. In fact, many times a phone call is better since it makes it easier for people of either sex to open up and discuss subjects without hesitation that they would find difficult to broach in person.

If you do arrange a one-on-one meeting with Greenstone, you need not do any special preparations. He will look at your horoscope and arrive at his own prognosis. After he has given you his analysis, you can go ahead and ask your questions and discuss relevant topics.

The meeting time will be for 60 mins max. The date and time of the meeting will be fixed according to mutual convenience. You can expect a waiting period of 15-20 days, depending upon Greenstone’s schedule and availability. This facility is available only to clients from Mumbai. Clients from Delhi and other cities where Greenstone conducts astrology workshops can also avail of this facility with prior appointment.

Complete Horoscope Analysis - Family Package - Telephonic conversation

Cost: Rs. 17700 / $297 / 160 minutes / Maximum 4 family members

A family is inter-connected. A few decisions that we take in life would involve looking at the future of all the family members. Also, you wouldn’t want to wait to look at each and every one separately but want to do it at the same time. For some member you have more concerns and for some you just want a quick overview. This option then would be the best one for you.

Complete Horoscope Analysis - Family Package - Video conversation

Cost: Rs. 19900 / $349 / 160 minutes / Maximum 4 family members

Complete Horoscope Analysis - Family Package - One-On-One Personal Consultation with Greenstone

Cost: Rs. 29000 / 180 minutes / Maximum 4 family members

Consultation procedure

All your questions pertaining to consultation are answered here. Please do not send any queries or descriptions/additional information not asked for at this stage. Your form will automatically be rejected and the moneys will be refunded. It is best to allow Greenstone to look at your chart dispassionately, without any prejudices, before he arrives at a prognosis. Please read through the complete procedure before you go ahead with the formalities.

Before you learn about the consultation procedure, you might wish to know why you need to consult Greenstone.

Seven reasons why you should talk to Greenstone despite the fact that he doesn’t offer you traditional remedies for your problems

To know the truth: Many astrologers keep you in the dark about the magnitude of the problems you are facing and don’t tell you honestly how long the phase will last. Perhaps they underestimate your capacity to deal with the truth. Greenstone respects your strength and has faith in your ability to understand and address your troubles. He offers the truthful picture. However, not being prescribed traditional remedies does not mean you will receive no guidance or solutions at all. Only, they will be more practical suggestions, prudent for the situation at hand.

To have a correct reading: Traditional astrologers discount certain planets in their readings that they consider unimportant. Greenstone’s inclusion of all the planets, including Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and some celestial bodies such as Chiron, X, Y and Z gives a complete and holistic reading that may be very different from what you will receive elsewhere. You will get a very clear picture of the situation.

To make the picture less ambiguous: Five minutes into the session you will realize yourself that Greenstone is explaining things to you in the simplest way possible. Your horoscope will be explained systematically so that you know your life’s path and purpose with much greater clarity than before.

To have a thorough discussion over a longer period: With Greenstone it is never a monologue. Complicated terminology is not thrown at you at random and he never talks down to you. Your horoscope is discussed with you candidly and the methodology is not treated as if it is esoteric and exclusive to a few enlightened souls.

Value for money: Unlike some astrologers who give you ‘darshan’ and charge exorbitant prices for a 5 to 15-minute monologue, you get the complete analysis of your horoscope over the phone over a longer period, until you get a hang of the complete picture. All your questions related to the service you have chosen will be answered.

The power of timing: Greenstone may not give you yantra, tantra or mantra, but he does believe in the power of ‘timing’ an event. The inclusion of all the external planets will give you the most appropriate muhurats to suit your purposes/horoscope.

Peace of mind: After you have met or spoken to Greenstone, you will suddenly realize that a huge burden is off your shoulders. Depending on what you have come to him for, he will show you your potential and explain when you will achieve your dreams; or interpret why you have been through what you have been through and when that difficult phase will finally be over. If you haven’t had smooth sailing, he will delineate your karmic path and you will learn to accept the situation and live through the challenges, freeing yourself of guilt, self pity or anger.

All your questions pertaining to consultation are answered here. Please do not send any queries or descriptions/additional information not asked for at this stage. Your form will automatically be rejected and the moneys will be refunded. It is best to allow Greenstone to look at your chart dispassionately, without any prejudices, before he arrives at a prognosis. Please read through the complete procedure before you go ahead with the formalities.

Consultation Form