Greenstone Lobo


I came across Greenstone's predictions in DNA newspaper where he used to comment on sports events. Being a sports fan, I was always intrigued on how he could be so accurate. Time passed till I came to know that he teaches also. Out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to enroll. Tried to do for 6 months but work pressures prevented me from doing otherwise. I finally got a chance a year back and had awesome fun in understanding and appreciating the science behind this. I did the advanced course as well with Greenstone. I don't practice regularly but I am able to understand why certain things happen only at some time. I had been chasing Greenstone for the online copy of his latest book Howzatt. The moment I saw it was available, I bought it and finished it in a couple of hours. What's great about it that there are no grey areas and he calls a spade a spade especially sensitive things like year of birth of famous cricketers. Indeed a wonderful read. I have recommended a lot of friends to go to Greenstone for consultation and needless to say, he was more precise than any other person whom they have met.

So good luck Greenstone. Keep predicting...

Srinivvasan G

I had no belief in astrology until I attended Greenstone Lobo's workshop. His simple, easy to use methodology, not to forget the countless examples, made its application in real-life super easy. I could not only analyze charts with ease, but also predict accurately the finer points in a person's chart, which take years to master using traditional techniques.

Greenstone is a patient teacher, blessed with a pleasing demeanor. He doesn't sugarcoat possibilities.

Kartik Srinivasan

Having faced challenges early in life, our family has been consulting astrologers for as long as I can remember. None of the astrologers could actually give answers to the many Whys we had. After losing a sizable sum to them, I decided to learn astrology myself and, at the age of 18, started reading horoscopes professionally.

One day I stumbled upon Greenstone's Video on YouTube talking about planets I had never heard of – like Chiron, Planet X, Planet Y – and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The next thing was to buy his book on zodiac signs. It opened a completely new thought process for me. Post which the obvious thing to do was to register for the two-day workshop offered by him.

Iv even urged my friends to go for the course and their experience was no less perfect than what i felt. One glance at a horoscope, using Greenstones method and study, a novice can predict what took me at least 10 years of study with various Branches of astrology. The 2 days was one of the best investments of my life. Not only has it changed my life and perspective to astrology as a science but has also helped all the people who have consulted me for a reading. For the first time I realized how it felt to be in control.

The course was amazing and, to top it all, Greenstone has done such in-depth research that you can actually feel the confidence being transferred to you at every step. The language, methodology and the course material is simple and easy to comprehend even for a newcomer.

Greenstone is not only an amazing coach, but is also a great mentor and does not stop monitoring, motivating and guiding you even after the course is completed. Apart from sharing particular charts and readings with you after the course, he goes a step further and shares his research on astrology. He also indulges in healthy arguments with all his students.

The two-day workshop was one of the best investments of my life.

Amit Naik

I had always been interested in astrology and tried few classes, but there was not much progress and it was time consuming and one had to have lots of patience. Finally, I came to know about Greenstone Lobo’s astrology.

The best part about the astrology by Greenstone is that he delivers this heavy subject in a very simplified, interesting and fun way in three days, and makes us capable of predictions with 30 days of practice, keeping our interest alive. The best course seen so far in a short time. Highly recommended for new learners with a passion to learn.

Violet Sookhadwala

I was amazed when one of my close friends told me about Greenstone Lobo, who taught True Astrology in just two-three days, in very simplified way, who had done 25 years of intense research on astrology and a discovered a new way of decoding hidden planetary language to unfold an individual’s life from his/her chart.

After finishing the two-day course he started 30 days of intense analysis on individual charts, that was very exciting where he personally evaluated everyone’s assessments, explained critical issues and gave feedback. That was a true test and learning for me, where I got the confidence that, yes, I could learn astrology in short period of time.

Having just completed Level 1 and Level 2 by Greenstone lobo, I want to tell you how very pleased I am with both the classes and with Lobo Sir’s way of teaching. Moreover, he is just like a friend, who always encourages a learner to do more and more practice, some research and find something new that would give us confidence.

Ranjeet Kumar

The learning I received through Greenstone Sir’s ‘True Astrology’ was not only valuable, but also very effective, with accurate predictions (about a person’s profession, life, wealth and all the key aspects, etc). I learnt the actual impact of a planet when it is placed in different zodiac signs vis- a vis the houses, along with the positive and negative manifestations upon a person.

The most important part was understanding the impact of a planet based on its hierarchical order and the different exaltation points of planets in the zodiac signs. This is really a remarkable achievement by Greenstone Sir who has done 25 years of research in the field of astrology, understood the impact of the planets and brought us to understand true astrology.

Prasoon Saxena (Electronics Engineer), Mumbai

When I saw the advertisement related to True Astrology by Greenstone Lobo, the first thing that struck my mind was, ‘How it can be taught in just two-three days?’

During the learning it became evident how much heart, soul and mind had been put into bringing the novel concepts to us. After the course was over, 30 days of intensive analysis of one chart per day was very exciting. This was the actual testing period where he assessed everyone’s assessment personally and provided critical feedback.

The good thing was that he shared a wide variety of charts belonging to different classes of people – twins, politicians, astronauts, scientists, etc, so that we could understand the depth of the planetary manifestations.

He is very punctual and never wastes a minute in useless discussions. The other important aspect is the remedies part! This is something unique and altogether different where management of the planetary transits is detailed.

He clarifies various issues such as education, academics, career, marriage, business, health, etc, and that too with several examples.

Sudhanshu Saxena

Greenstone, you are amazing! An excellent trainer who gave real examples to back up his excellent theory. A course that was practical, real, focused and shared lots of good techniques that gave me the opportunity to really think.

Rajgopal Pillai

अवनीश जैन

ग्रह नक्षत्र और तारे बचपन से ही आकर्षित तो करते थे मगर ज्योतिष या एस्ट्रोलॉजी को जब भी सीखने का मन हुआ तो विषय की कठिनाई और समय की कमी ने कदमों को थाम लिया।जब पहली बार ग्रीनस्टोन लोबो जी ने ट्रू एस्ट्रोलॉजी की 2 दिन की वर्कशॉप मुम्बई में घोषित की तो सोचा चलो सिर्फ 2 दिन की बात है कुछ तो सीख ही जायेंगे ,हालांकि ये भी सोचा कि हम 2 दिन में क्या सीखेंग

पहले दिन वर्कशॉप प्रारम्भ होने के सिर्फ 2 घंटे बाद ही मजा आने लगा क्योंकि बहुत कुछ समझ आ रहा था।और ये क्या सिर्फ 2 दिन के बाद हॉरोस्कोप खुद बोल रहीं थीं।ग्रहों का प्लेसमेंट,राशियों के घर,उच्च स्थान,उनका गिरना या डेबीलेट होना ये सिर्फ एक दर्शक की नजरों का खेल नहीं था बल्कि हम खुद खिलाड़ी बन के खेल रहे थे और इस विशाल और गूढ़ विषय की गहराइयों में गोते लगा रहे थे।30 दिन तक व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में रात दिन प्रैक्टिकल करके चार्ट्स को देखना,समझना,अनुमान लगाना और सही निकलने पर जो मजा आने लगा तो फिर अपने परिचितों से उनकी बर्थ डिटेल्स ले ले कर उसका विश्लेषण का भी एक नया जुनून हो गया।इस 2 दिन के वर्कशॉप से ही इतना आत्मविश्वास बढ़ा की जब पहला सेकंड लेवल वर्कशॉप लोबो जी ने रखा तो उसमें भी तुरंत रजिस्ट्रेशन करा लिया।आज पूरे आत्मविश्वास से किसी की भी कुंडली देखना उसके भविष्य का विचार करना,कॅरियर, विवाह,बीमारी,संबंध,व्यवसाय से लेकर देश विदेश,खेल और राजनीति की उठापटक पर अपने साथ के ट्रू एस्ट्रोलॉजर्स के साथ या अपने क्लाइंट्स के साथ चिंतन करना और सही निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचना दैनिक कार्य है तो सिर्फ इसी 2 दिन की वर्कशॉप में सीखे गए बेसिक्स के कारण।एक सफल ज्योतिष सलाहकार बनना तो हमारी मेहनत और किस्मत के हाथ में है मगर एस्ट्रोलॉजी को समझना और उसकी सहायता से दूसरों की मदद करना या उन्हें सही राह दिखाना सिर्फ हमारे हाथ में है।

अवनीश जैन,वास्तु एवं ज्योतिष सलाहकार,इंदौर


` 91 Predictions

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The study of the actions and comparative positions of spiritual bodies understood as having an impact on human activities and the natural world is known as Astrology.

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